--------------------------------- Captured Out --------------------------------- ---- new test ---- 1739905297.930 1: connects to server. 1739905297.930 1 -> S: NICK nick1 1739905297.930 1 -> S: USER username * * :Realname 1739905298.041 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 020 * :Please wait while we process your connection. 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 001 nick1 :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network nick1!~username@localhost.eyzkv0hxxq4uhofmll1wi1pi3e.ex.internal.cloudapp.net 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 002 nick1 :Your host is My.Little.Server, running version 2.11.2p3 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 003 nick1 :This server was created Tue Feb 18 2025 at 18:53:32 UTC 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 004 nick1 My.Little.Server 2.11.2p3 aoOirw abeiIklmnoOpqrRstv 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 005 nick1 RFC2812 PREFIX=(ov)@+ CHANTYPES=#&!+ MODES=3 CHANLIMIT=#&!+:21 NICKLEN=15 TOPICLEN=255 KICKLEN=255 MAXLIST=beIR:64 CHANNELLEN=50 IDCHAN=!:5 CHANMODES=beIR,k,l,imnpstaqr :are supported by this server 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 005 nick1 PENALTY FNC EXCEPTS=e INVEX=I CASEMAPPING=ascii NETWORK=IRCnet :are supported by this server 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 042 nick1 0042AAAAA :your unique ID 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 251 nick1 :There are 1 users and 0 services on 1 servers 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 253 nick1 1 :unknown connections 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 254 nick1 14 :channels formed 1739905298.241 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 255 nick1 :I have 1 users, 0 services and 0 servers 1739905298.241 1 -> S: PING foo 1739905298.242 1 -> S: PING synchronize609.409874653 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 265 nick1 1 1 :Current local users 1, max 1 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 266 nick1 1 1 :Current global users 1, max 1 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 375 nick1 :- My.Little.Server Message of the Day - 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 372 nick1 :- 18/2/2025 18:53 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 372 nick1 :- .===============================================. 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 372 nick1 :- : Being a fresh installation of an irc server, : 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 372 nick1 :- : I have this default MOTD. Remind my admin to : 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 372 nick1 :- : fix this and reread INSTALL file, please. :) : 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 372 nick1 :- `==============================================' 1739905298.242 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 376 nick1 :End of MOTD command. 1739905298.442 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :foo 1739905298.442 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize609.409874653 1739905298.442 2: connects to server. 1739905298.442 2 -> S: NICK nick2 1739905298.442 2 -> S: USER ident2 * * :Realname 1739905299.444 2: waiting… 1739905299.643 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 020 * :Please wait while we process your connection. 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 001 nick2 :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network nick2!~ident2@localhost.eyzkv0hxxq4uhofmll1wi1pi3e.ex.internal.cloudapp.net 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 002 nick2 :Your host is My.Little.Server, running version 2.11.2p3 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 003 nick2 :This server was created Tue Feb 18 2025 at 18:53:32 UTC 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 004 nick2 My.Little.Server 2.11.2p3 aoOirw abeiIklmnoOpqrRstv 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 005 nick2 RFC2812 PREFIX=(ov)@+ CHANTYPES=#&!+ MODES=3 CHANLIMIT=#&!+:21 NICKLEN=15 TOPICLEN=255 KICKLEN=255 MAXLIST=beIR:64 CHANNELLEN=50 IDCHAN=!:5 CHANMODES=beIR,k,l,imnpstaqr :are supported by this server 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 005 nick2 PENALTY FNC EXCEPTS=e INVEX=I CASEMAPPING=ascii NETWORK=IRCnet :are supported by this server 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 042 nick2 0042AAAAB :your unique ID 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 251 nick2 :There are 2 users and 0 services on 1 servers 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 254 nick2 14 :channels formed 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 255 nick2 :I have 2 users, 0 services and 0 servers 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 265 nick2 2 2 :Current local users 2, max 2 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 266 nick2 2 2 :Current global users 2, max 2 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 375 nick2 :- My.Little.Server Message of the Day - 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- 18/2/2025 18:53 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- .===============================================. 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- : Being a fresh installation of an irc server, : 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- : I have this default MOTD. Remind my admin to : 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- : fix this and reread INSTALL file, please. :) : 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- `==============================================' 1739905300.044 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 376 nick2 :End of MOTD command. 1739905300.044 2 -> S: PING foo 1739905300.045 2 -> S: PING synchronize611.213189709 1739905300.244 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :foo 1739905300.244 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize611.213189709 1739905300.244 2 -> S: QUIT :bye 1739905300.244 2 -> S: PING synchronize611.412024581 1739905300.444 S -> 2: ERROR :Closing Link: nick2[~ident2@localhost.eyzkv0hxxq4uhofmll1wi1pi3e.ex.internal.cloudapp.net] ("bye") 1739905301.445 3: connects to server. 1739905301.445 3 -> S: NICK nick2 1739905301.445 3 -> S: USER ident3 * * :Realname 1739905301.646 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 020 * :Please wait while we process your connection. 1739905302.046 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 001 nick2 :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network nick2!~ident3@localhost.eyzkv0hxxq4uhofmll1wi1pi3e.ex.internal.cloudapp.net 1739905302.046 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 002 nick2 :Your host is My.Little.Server, running version 2.11.2p3 1739905302.046 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 003 nick2 :This server was created Tue Feb 18 2025 at 18:53:32 UTC 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 004 nick2 My.Little.Server 2.11.2p3 aoOirw abeiIklmnoOpqrRstv 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 005 nick2 RFC2812 PREFIX=(ov)@+ CHANTYPES=#&!+ MODES=3 CHANLIMIT=#&!+:21 NICKLEN=15 TOPICLEN=255 KICKLEN=255 MAXLIST=beIR:64 CHANNELLEN=50 IDCHAN=!:5 CHANMODES=beIR,k,l,imnpstaqr :are supported by this server 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 005 nick2 PENALTY FNC EXCEPTS=e INVEX=I CASEMAPPING=ascii NETWORK=IRCnet :are supported by this server 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 042 nick2 0042AAAAC :your unique ID 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 251 nick2 :There are 2 users and 0 services on 1 servers 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 254 nick2 14 :channels formed 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 255 nick2 :I have 2 users, 0 services and 0 servers 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 265 nick2 2 2 :Current local users 2, max 2 1739905302.047 3 -> S: PING foo 1739905302.047 3 -> S: PING synchronize613.215232205 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 266 nick2 2 2 :Current global users 2, max 2 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 375 nick2 :- My.Little.Server Message of the Day - 1739905302.047 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- 18/2/2025 18:53 1739905302.048 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- .===============================================. 1739905302.048 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- : Being a fresh installation of an irc server, : 1739905302.048 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- : I have this default MOTD. Remind my admin to : 1739905302.048 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- : fix this and reread INSTALL file, please. :) : 1739905302.048 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 372 nick2 :- `==============================================' 1739905302.048 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 376 nick2 :End of MOTD command. 1739905302.247 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :foo 1739905302.247 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize613.215232205 1739905302.248 3 -> S: QUIT :bye 1739905302.248 3 -> S: PING synchronize613.41546048 1739905302.447 S -> 3: ERROR :Closing Link: nick2[~ident3@localhost.eyzkv0hxxq4uhofmll1wi1pi3e.ex.internal.cloudapp.net] ("bye") 1739905302.447 1 -> S: WHOWAS nick2 -1 1739905302.447 1 -> S: PING synchronize613.615167685 1739905302.647 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 314 nick1 nick2 ~ident3 localhost.eyzkv0hxxq4uhofmll1wi1pi3e.ex.internal.cloudapp.net * :Realname 1739905302.648 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 312 nick1 nick2 My.Little.Server :Tue Feb 18 19:01:42 2025 1739905302.648 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 314 nick1 nick2 ~ident2 localhost.eyzkv0hxxq4uhofmll1wi1pi3e.ex.internal.cloudapp.net * :Realname 1739905302.648 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 312 nick1 nick2 My.Little.Server :Tue Feb 18 19:01:40 2025 1739905302.648 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 369 nick1 nick2 :End of WHOWAS 1739905302.648 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize613.615167685 1739905302.650 1: disconnects from server. 1739905302.650 2: disconnects from server. 1739905302.650 3: disconnects from server.