--------------------------------- Captured Out --------------------------------- ---- new test ---- 1739430333.340 1: connects to server. 1739430333.340 1 -> S: NICK coolNick 1739430333.340 1 -> S: USER myusernam 0 * :My UniqueReal Name 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server NOTICE * :*** Checking Ident 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server NOTICE * :*** No Ident response 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server NOTICE * :*** Found your hostname 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server NOTICE coolNick :*** You are exempt from user limits 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 001 coolNick :Welcome to the 2600net Internet Relay Chat Network coolNick!~myusernam@localhost 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 002 coolNick :Your host is My.Little.Server[], running version hybrid-8.2.39 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 003 coolNick :This server was created Feb 13 2025 at 07:01:49 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 004 coolNick My.Little.Server hybrid-8.2.39 BDFGHXRSWacdefgijklnopqrswy bchiklmnoprstuveCIKLMNORST bkloveIh 1739430333.340 1 -> S: PING synchronize688.042521542 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 005 coolNick BOT=B CALLERID CASEMAPPING=ascii DEAF=D KICKLEN=180 MODES=6 PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ STATUSMSG=@%+ EXCEPTS INVEX NICKLEN=20 NETWORK=2600net MAXLIST=beI:100 :are supported by this server 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 005 coolNick MAXTARGETS=4 CHANTYPES=# CHANLIMIT=#:25 CHANNELLEN=50 TOPICLEN=80 CHANMODES=beI,k,l,cimnprstuCKLMNORST EXTBAN=$,acjmnorstuz AWAYLEN=180 KNOCK MONITOR=50 ELIST=CMNTU SAFELIST :are supported by this server 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 251 coolNick :There are 0 users and 1 invisible on 1 servers 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 255 coolNick :I have 1 clients and 0 servers 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 265 coolNick :Current local users: 1 Max: 1 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 266 coolNick :Current global users: 1 Max: 1 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 250 coolNick :Highest connection count: 1 (1 clients) (1 connections received) 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 422 coolNick :MOTD File is missing 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :coolNick!~myusernam@localhost MODE coolNick :+i 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize688.042521542 1739430333.340 1 -> S: JOIN #chan 1739430333.340 1 -> S: PING synchronize688.042829008 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :coolNick!~myusernam@localhost JOIN :#chan 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server MODE #chan +nt 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 353 coolNick = #chan :@coolNick 1739430333.340 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 366 coolNick #chan :End of /NAMES list. 1739430333.341 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize688.042829008 1739430333.341 2: connects to server. 1739430333.341 2 -> S: NICK otherNick 1739430333.341 2 -> S: USER username * * :Realname 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server NOTICE * :*** Checking Ident 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server NOTICE * :*** No Ident response 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server NOTICE * :*** Found your hostname 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server NOTICE otherNick :*** You are exempt from user limits 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 001 otherNick :Welcome to the 2600net Internet Relay Chat Network otherNick!~username@localhost 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 002 otherNick :Your host is My.Little.Server[], running version hybrid-8.2.39 1739430333.341 2 -> S: PING foo 1739430333.341 2 -> S: PING synchronize688.043525794 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 003 otherNick :This server was created Feb 13 2025 at 07:01:49 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 004 otherNick My.Little.Server hybrid-8.2.39 BDFGHXRSWacdefgijklnopqrswy bchiklmnoprstuveCIKLMNORST bkloveIh 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 005 otherNick BOT=B CALLERID CASEMAPPING=ascii DEAF=D KICKLEN=180 MODES=6 PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ STATUSMSG=@%+ EXCEPTS INVEX NICKLEN=20 NETWORK=2600net MAXLIST=beI:100 :are supported by this server 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 005 otherNick MAXTARGETS=4 CHANTYPES=# CHANLIMIT=#:25 CHANNELLEN=50 TOPICLEN=80 CHANMODES=beI,k,l,cimnprstuCKLMNORST EXTBAN=$,acjmnorstuz AWAYLEN=180 KNOCK MONITOR=50 ELIST=CMNTU SAFELIST :are supported by this server 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 251 otherNick :There are 0 users and 2 invisible on 1 servers 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 254 otherNick 1 :channels formed 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 255 otherNick :I have 2 clients and 0 servers 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 265 otherNick :Current local users: 2 Max: 2 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 266 otherNick :Current global users: 2 Max: 2 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 250 otherNick :Highest connection count: 2 (2 clients) (2 connections received) 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 422 otherNick :MOTD File is missing 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :otherNick!~username@localhost MODE otherNick :+i 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :foo 1739430333.341 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize688.043525794 1739430333.342 2 -> S: PING synchronize688.044499219 1739430333.342 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize688.044499219 1739430333.342 2 -> S: JOIN #chan 1739430333.342 2 -> S: PING synchronize688.044674708 1739430333.342 S -> 2: :otherNick!~username@localhost JOIN :#chan 1739430333.342 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 353 otherNick = #chan :otherNick @coolNick 1739430333.342 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 366 otherNick #chan :End of /NAMES list. 1739430333.342 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize688.044674708 1739430333.342 2 -> S: WHO coolNick 1739430333.342 2 -> S: PING synchronize688.044850497 1739430333.342 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 352 otherNick #chan ~myusernam localhost My.Little.Server coolNick H@ :0 My UniqueReal Name 1739430333.342 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 315 otherNick coolNick :End of /WHO list. 1739430333.342 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server :synchronize688.044850497 1739430333.346 1: disconnects from server. 1739430333.347 2: disconnects from server.