--------------------------------- Captured Out --------------------------------- ---- new test ---- 1735589292.479 1: connects to server. 1735589292.479 1 -> S: CAP LS 1735589292.479 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS :account-notify account-tag away-notify batch chghost draft/chathistory draft/event-playback draft/relaymsg echo-message ergo.chat/nope extended-join invite-notify labeled-response message-tags multi-prefix sasl server-time setname userhost-in-names znc.in/playback znc.in/self-message 1735589292.479 1 -> S: USER foo foo foo :foo 1735589292.479 1 -> S: NICK foo 1735589292.479 1 -> S: CAP REQ :multi-prefix 1735589292.479 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server CAP * ACK multi-prefix 1735589292.479 1 -> S: CAP LIST 1735589292.480 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server CAP * LIST multi-prefix 1735589292.480 1 -> S: CAP END 1735589292.480 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 001 foo :Welcome to the ErgoTest IRC Network foo 1735589292.480 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 002 foo :Your host is My.Little.Server, running version ergo-2.14.0-d25fc2a758c3d355 1735589292.481 1: disconnects from server.