--------------------------------- Captured Out --------------------------------- ---- new test ---- 1739904822.106 1: connects to server. 1739904822.107 1 -> S: CAP LS 302 1739904822.107 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS * :account-notify account-tag away-notify batch cap-notify chghost draft/account-registration draft/channel-rename draft/chathistory draft/event-playback draft/extended-isupport draft/languages=1,en draft/message-redaction draft/multiline=max-bytes=4096,max-lines=32 draft/no-implicit-names draft/persistence draft/pre-away draft/read-marker draft/relaymsg=/ echo-message ergo.chat/nope extended-join extended-monitor invite-notify labeled-response message-tags multi-prefix 1739904822.107 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS :sasl=PLAIN,EXTERNAL,SCRAM-SHA-256 server-time setname standard-replies userhost-in-names znc.in/playback znc.in/self-message 1739904822.107 1 -> S: CAP REQ :sasl 1739904822.107 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server CAP * ACK sasl 1739904822.107 1 -> S: AUTHENTICATE PLAIN 1739904822.107 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server AUTHENTICATE + 1739904822.107 1 -> S: AUTHENTICATE b2JzZXJ2ZXIAb2JzZXJ2ZXIAb2JzZXJ2ZXJwYXNzd29yZA== 1739904822.108 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 900 * * observer :You are now logged in as observer 1739904822.108 1 -> S: NICK observer 1739904822.108 1 -> S: USER username * * :Realname 1739904822.108 1 -> S: CAP END 1739904822.108 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 903 * :Authentication successful 1739904822.108 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 001 observer :Welcome to the ErgoTest IRC Network observer 1739904822.108 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 002 observer :Your host is My.Little.Server, running version ergo-2.15.0-c92f23b0cb530943 1739904822.108 1 -> S: PING foo 1739904822.108 1 -> S: PING synchronize138.376549007 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 003 observer :This server was created Tue, 18 Feb 2025 18:53:42 UTC 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 004 observer My.Little.Server ergo-2.15.0-c92f23b0cb530943 BERTZios CEIMRUabefhiklmnoqstuv Iabefhkloqv 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 005 observer AWAYLEN=200 BOT=B CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#:100 CHANMODES=Ibe,k,fl,CEMRUimnstu CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# CHATHISTORY=100 ELIST=U EXCEPTS EXTBAN=,m FORWARD=f INVEX :are supported by this server 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 005 observer KICKLEN=390 MAXLIST=beI:60 MAXTARGETS=4 MODES MONITOR=100 MSGREFTYPES=msgid,timestamp NETWORK=ErgoTest NICKLEN=32 PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+ SAFELIST STATUSMSG=~&@%+ TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:,WHOIS:1,USERHOST:10,PRIVMSG:4,TAGMSG:4,NOTICE:4,MONITOR:100 TOPICLEN=390 :are supported by this server 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 005 observer UTF8ONLY WHOX draft/CHATHISTORY=100 :are supported by this server 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 251 observer :There are 1 users and 0 invisible on 1 server(s) 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 252 observer 0 :IRC Operators online 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 253 observer 0 :unregistered connections 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 254 observer 0 :channels formed 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 255 observer :I have 1 clients and 0 servers 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 265 observer 1 1 :Current local users 1, max 1 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 266 observer 1 1 :Current global users 1, max 1 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 422 observer :MOTD File is missing 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 221 observer +Z 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server foo 1739904822.109 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.376549007 1739904822.110 1 -> S: JOIN #chan 1739904822.110 1 -> S: PING synchronize138.377757671 1739904822.110 S -> 1: :observer!~username@ JOIN #chan 1739904822.110 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 353 observer = #chan :@observer 1739904822.110 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server 366 observer #chan :End of NAMES list 1739904822.110 S -> 1: :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.377757671 1739904822.110 1 -> S: CAP REQ :message-tags server-time 1739904822.110 1 -> S: PING synchronize138.377950161 1739904822.110 S -> 1: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.109Z :My.Little.Server CAP observer ACK :message-tags server-time 1739904822.110 S -> 1: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.109Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.377950161 1739904822.110 2: connects to server. 1739904822.110 2 -> S: CAP LS 302 1739904822.110 2 -> S: AUTHENTICATE PLAIN 1739904822.110 2 -> S: AUTHENTICATE dGVzdHVzZXIAdGVzdHVzZXIAbXlwYXNzd29yZA== 1739904822.110 2 -> S: NICK testnick 1739904822.110 2 -> S: USER a 0 * a 1739904822.110 2 -> S: CAP REQ :server-time message-tags 1739904822.110 2 -> S: CAP END 1739904822.110 2 -> S: PING synchronize138.378454551 1739904822.110 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS * :account-notify account-tag away-notify batch cap-notify chghost draft/account-registration draft/channel-rename draft/chathistory draft/event-playback draft/extended-isupport draft/languages=1,en draft/message-redaction draft/multiline=max-bytes=4096,max-lines=32 draft/no-implicit-names draft/persistence draft/pre-away draft/read-marker draft/relaymsg=/ echo-message ergo.chat/nope extended-join extended-monitor invite-notify labeled-response message-tags multi-prefix 1739904822.110 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS :sasl=PLAIN,EXTERNAL,SCRAM-SHA-256 server-time setname standard-replies userhost-in-names znc.in/playback znc.in/self-message 1739904822.110 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server AUTHENTICATE + 1739904822.111 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 900 * * testuser :You are now logged in as testuser 1739904822.111 S -> 2: :My.Little.Server 903 * :Authentication successful 1739904822.111 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server CAP * ACK :server-time message-tags 1739904822.111 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 001 testnick :Welcome to the ErgoTest IRC Network testnick 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 002 testnick :Your host is My.Little.Server, running version ergo-2.15.0-c92f23b0cb530943 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 003 testnick :This server was created Tue, 18 Feb 2025 18:53:42 UTC 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 004 testnick My.Little.Server ergo-2.15.0-c92f23b0cb530943 BERTZios CEIMRUabefhiklmnoqstuv Iabefhkloqv 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 005 testnick AWAYLEN=200 BOT=B CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#:100 CHANMODES=Ibe,k,fl,CEMRUimnstu CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# CHATHISTORY=100 ELIST=U EXCEPTS EXTBAN=,m FORWARD=f INVEX :are supported by this server 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 005 testnick KICKLEN=390 MAXLIST=beI:60 MAXTARGETS=4 MODES MONITOR=100 MSGREFTYPES=msgid,timestamp NETWORK=ErgoTest NICKLEN=32 PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+ SAFELIST STATUSMSG=~&@%+ TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:,WHOIS:1,USERHOST:10,PRIVMSG:4,TAGMSG:4,NOTICE:4,MONITOR:100 TOPICLEN=390 :are supported by this server 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 005 testnick UTF8ONLY WHOX draft/CHATHISTORY=100 :are supported by this server 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 251 testnick :There are 2 users and 0 invisible on 1 server(s) 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 252 testnick 0 :IRC Operators online 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 253 testnick 0 :unregistered connections 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 254 testnick 1 :channels formed 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 255 testnick :I have 2 clients and 0 servers 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 265 testnick 2 2 :Current local users 2, max 2 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 266 testnick 2 2 :Current global users 2, max 2 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 422 testnick :MOTD File is missing 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 221 testnick +Z 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.378454551 1739904822.112 2 -> S: JOIN #chan 1739904822.112 2 -> S: PING synchronize138.380021694 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @msgid=w9ddzqccbmaj8dji9v6yk38r86;time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :testnick!~a@ JOIN #chan 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 353 testnick = #chan :@observer testnick 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server 366 testnick #chan :End of NAMES list 1739904822.112 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.380021694 1739904822.112 3: connects to server. 1739904822.112 3 -> S: CAP LS 302 1739904822.112 3 -> S: AUTHENTICATE PLAIN 1739904822.112 3 -> S: AUTHENTICATE dGVzdHVzZXIAdGVzdHVzZXIAbXlwYXNzd29yZA== 1739904822.112 3 -> S: NICK testnick 1739904822.112 3 -> S: USER a 0 * a 1739904822.112 3 -> S: CAP REQ :server-time message-tags account-tag 1739904822.112 3 -> S: CAP END 1739904822.113 3 -> S: PING synchronize138.380579565 1739904822.113 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS * :account-notify account-tag away-notify batch cap-notify chghost draft/account-registration draft/channel-rename draft/chathistory draft/event-playback draft/extended-isupport draft/languages=1,en draft/message-redaction draft/multiline=max-bytes=4096,max-lines=32 draft/no-implicit-names draft/persistence draft/pre-away draft/read-marker draft/relaymsg=/ echo-message ergo.chat/nope extended-join extended-monitor invite-notify labeled-response message-tags multi-prefix 1739904822.113 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS :sasl=PLAIN,EXTERNAL,SCRAM-SHA-256 server-time setname standard-replies userhost-in-names znc.in/playback znc.in/self-message 1739904822.113 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server AUTHENTICATE + 1739904822.113 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 900 * * testuser :You are now logged in as testuser 1739904822.114 S -> 3: :My.Little.Server 903 * :Authentication successful 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server CAP * ACK :server-time message-tags account-tag 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 001 testnick :Welcome to the ErgoTest IRC Network testnick 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 002 testnick :Your host is My.Little.Server, running version ergo-2.15.0-c92f23b0cb530943 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 003 testnick :This server was created Tue, 18 Feb 2025 18:53:42 UTC 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 004 testnick My.Little.Server ergo-2.15.0-c92f23b0cb530943 BERTZios CEIMRUabefhiklmnoqstuv Iabefhkloqv 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 005 testnick AWAYLEN=200 BOT=B CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#:100 CHANMODES=Ibe,k,fl,CEMRUimnstu CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# CHATHISTORY=100 ELIST=U EXCEPTS EXTBAN=,m FORWARD=f INVEX :are supported by this server 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 005 testnick KICKLEN=390 MAXLIST=beI:60 MAXTARGETS=4 MODES MONITOR=100 MSGREFTYPES=msgid,timestamp NETWORK=ErgoTest NICKLEN=32 PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+ SAFELIST STATUSMSG=~&@%+ TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:,WHOIS:1,USERHOST:10,PRIVMSG:4,TAGMSG:4,NOTICE:4,MONITOR:100 TOPICLEN=390 :are supported by this server 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 005 testnick UTF8ONLY WHOX draft/CHATHISTORY=100 :are supported by this server 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 251 testnick :There are 2 users and 0 invisible on 1 server(s) 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 252 testnick 0 :IRC Operators online 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 253 testnick 0 :unregistered connections 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 254 testnick 1 :channels formed 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 255 testnick :I have 2 clients and 0 servers 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 265 testnick 2 2 :Current local users 2, max 2 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 266 testnick 2 2 :Current global users 2, max 2 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 422 testnick :MOTD File is missing 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 221 testnick +Z 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :testnick!~a@ JOIN #chan 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 353 testnick = #chan :@observer testnick 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server 366 testnick #chan :End of NAMES list 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.113Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.380579565 1739904822.114 3 -> S: NS SET MULTICLIENT OFF 1739904822.114 3 -> S: PING synchronize138.382227127 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.114Z :NickServ!NickServ@localhost NOTICE testnick :Successfully changed your account settings 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.114Z :NickServ!NickServ@localhost NOTICE testnick :Multiclient functionality is currently disabled for your account 1739904822.114 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.114Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.382227127 1739904822.114 4: connects to server. 1739904822.114 4 -> S: CAP LS 302 1739904822.114 4 -> S: AUTHENTICATE PLAIN 1739904822.115 4 -> S: AUTHENTICATE dGVzdHVzZXIAdGVzdHVzZXIAbXlwYXNzd29yZA== 1739904822.115 4 -> S: NICK testnick 1739904822.115 4 -> S: USER a 0 * a 1739904822.115 4 -> S: CAP REQ :server-time message-tags 1739904822.115 4 -> S: CAP END 1739904822.115 4 -> S: PING synchronize138.382812579 1739904822.115 S -> 4: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS * :account-notify account-tag away-notify batch cap-notify chghost draft/account-registration draft/channel-rename draft/chathistory draft/event-playback draft/extended-isupport draft/languages=1,en draft/message-redaction draft/multiline=max-bytes=4096,max-lines=32 draft/no-implicit-names draft/persistence draft/pre-away draft/read-marker draft/relaymsg=/ echo-message ergo.chat/nope extended-join extended-monitor invite-notify labeled-response message-tags multi-prefix 1739904822.115 S -> 4: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS :sasl=PLAIN,EXTERNAL,SCRAM-SHA-256 server-time setname standard-replies userhost-in-names znc.in/playback znc.in/self-message 1739904822.115 S -> 4: :My.Little.Server AUTHENTICATE + 1739904822.116 S -> 4: :My.Little.Server 900 * * testuser :You are now logged in as testuser 1739904822.116 S -> 4: :My.Little.Server 903 * :Authentication successful 1739904822.116 S -> 4: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.115Z :My.Little.Server CAP * ACK :server-time message-tags 1739904822.116 S -> 4: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.115Z :My.Little.Server 433 * testnick :Nickname is already in use 1739904822.116 S -> 4: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.115Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.382812579 1739904822.116 3 -> S: NS SET MULTICLIENT ON 1739904822.116 3 -> S: PING synchronize138.384050247 1739904822.116 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.115Z :NickServ!NickServ@localhost NOTICE testnick :Successfully changed your account settings 1739904822.116 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.115Z :NickServ!NickServ@localhost NOTICE testnick :Multiclient functionality is currently enabled for your account 1739904822.116 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.115Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.384050247 1739904822.116 5: connects to server. 1739904822.116 5 -> S: CAP LS 302 1739904822.116 5 -> S: AUTHENTICATE PLAIN 1739904822.116 5 -> S: AUTHENTICATE dGVzdHVzZXIAdGVzdHVzZXIAbXlwYXNzd29yZA== 1739904822.116 5 -> S: NICK testnick 1739904822.116 5 -> S: USER a 0 * a 1739904822.116 5 -> S: CAP REQ server-time 1739904822.116 5 -> S: CAP END 1739904822.117 5 -> S: PING synchronize138.384584584 1739904822.117 S -> 5: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS * :account-notify account-tag away-notify batch cap-notify chghost draft/account-registration draft/channel-rename draft/chathistory draft/event-playback draft/extended-isupport draft/languages=1,en draft/message-redaction draft/multiline=max-bytes=4096,max-lines=32 draft/no-implicit-names draft/persistence draft/pre-away draft/read-marker draft/relaymsg=/ echo-message ergo.chat/nope extended-join extended-monitor invite-notify labeled-response message-tags multi-prefix 1739904822.117 S -> 5: :My.Little.Server CAP * LS :sasl=PLAIN,EXTERNAL,SCRAM-SHA-256 server-time setname standard-replies userhost-in-names znc.in/playback znc.in/self-message 1739904822.117 S -> 5: :My.Little.Server AUTHENTICATE + 1739904822.117 S -> 5: :My.Little.Server 900 * * testuser :You are now logged in as testuser 1739904822.118 S -> 5: :My.Little.Server 903 * :Authentication successful 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server CAP * ACK server-time 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 001 testnick :Welcome to the ErgoTest IRC Network testnick 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 002 testnick :Your host is My.Little.Server, running version ergo-2.15.0-c92f23b0cb530943 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 003 testnick :This server was created Tue, 18 Feb 2025 18:53:42 UTC 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 004 testnick My.Little.Server ergo-2.15.0-c92f23b0cb530943 BERTZios CEIMRUabefhiklmnoqstuv Iabefhkloqv 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 005 testnick AWAYLEN=200 BOT=B CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#:100 CHANMODES=Ibe,k,fl,CEMRUimnstu CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# CHATHISTORY=100 ELIST=U EXCEPTS EXTBAN=,m FORWARD=f INVEX :are supported by this server 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 005 testnick KICKLEN=390 MAXLIST=beI:60 MAXTARGETS=4 MODES MONITOR=100 MSGREFTYPES=msgid,timestamp NETWORK=ErgoTest NICKLEN=32 PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+ SAFELIST STATUSMSG=~&@%+ TARGMAX=NAMES:1,LIST:1,KICK:,WHOIS:1,USERHOST:10,PRIVMSG:4,TAGMSG:4,NOTICE:4,MONITOR:100 TOPICLEN=390 :are supported by this server 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 005 testnick UTF8ONLY WHOX draft/CHATHISTORY=100 :are supported by this server 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 251 testnick :There are 2 users and 0 invisible on 1 server(s) 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 252 testnick 0 :IRC Operators online 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 253 testnick 1 :unregistered connections 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 254 testnick 1 :channels formed 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 255 testnick :I have 2 clients and 0 servers 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 265 testnick 2 2 :Current local users 2, max 2 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 266 testnick 2 2 :Current global users 2, max 2 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 422 testnick :MOTD File is missing 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 221 testnick +Z 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :testnick!~a@ JOIN #chan 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 353 testnick = #chan :@observer testnick 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server 366 testnick #chan :End of NAMES list 1739904822.118 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.384584584 1739904822.118 1 -> S: @+clientOnlyTag=Value PRIVMSG #chan :hey 1739904822.118 1 -> S: PING synchronize138.386160242 1739904822.118 S -> 1: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.111Z;account=testuser;msgid=w9ddzqccbmaj8dji9v6yk38r86 :testnick!~a@ JOIN #chan 1739904822.118 S -> 1: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.118Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.386160242 1739904822.118 2 -> S: PING synchronize138.386332954 1739904822.118 S -> 2: @account=observer;msgid=zdirsr9j2fsm6he8jazavdnk6s;time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z;+clientOnlyTag=Value :observer!~username@ PRIVMSG #chan :hey 1739904822.118 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.118Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.386332954 1739904822.118 3 -> S: PING synchronize138.386500407 1739904822.118 S -> 3: @account=observer;msgid=zdirsr9j2fsm6he8jazavdnk6s;time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z;+clientOnlyTag=Value :observer!~username@ PRIVMSG #chan :hey 1739904822.119 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.118Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.386500407 1739904822.119 5 -> S: PING synchronize138.386660405 1739904822.119 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.117Z :observer!~username@ PRIVMSG #chan :hey 1739904822.119 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.118Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.386660405 1739904822.119 2 -> S: PRIVMSG observer :this is a direct message 1739904822.119 2 -> S: PING synchronize138.386888611 1739904822.119 S -> 2: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.118Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.386888611 1739904822.119 1 -> S: PING synchronize138.387039943 1739904822.119 S -> 1: @msgid=7majur5mhbnvm8u3uszwsa4tps;time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.118Z :testnick!~a@ PRIVMSG observer :this is a direct message 1739904822.119 S -> 1: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.118Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.387039943 1739904822.119 3 -> S: PING synchronize138.387191826 1739904822.119 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.118Z;account=testuser;msgid=7majur5mhbnvm8u3uszwsa4tps :testnick!~a@ PRIVMSG observer :this is a direct message 1739904822.119 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.119Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.387191826 1739904822.119 2 -> S: QUIT :two out 1739904822.119 2 -> S: PING synchronize138.387385177 1739904822.119 S -> 2: :testnick!~a@ QUIT :Quit: two out 1739904822.119 S -> 2: ERROR :Quit: two out 1739904822.120 1 -> S: PING synchronize138.387642697 1739904822.120 S -> 1: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.119Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.387642697 1739904822.120 3 -> S: PING synchronize138.38779959 1739904822.120 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.119Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.38779959 1739904822.120 1 -> S: @+clientOnlyTag=Value PRIVMSG #chan :hey again 1739904822.120 1 -> S: PING synchronize138.387965159 1739904822.120 S -> 1: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.119Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.387965159 1739904822.120 3 -> S: PING synchronize138.388136929 1739904822.120 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.119Z;account=observer;msgid=j2k6ih28gesmmc52jk853yx7ps;+clientOnlyTag=Value :observer!~username@ PRIVMSG #chan :hey again 1739904822.120 S -> 3: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.120Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.388136929 1739904822.120 5 -> S: QUIT :five out 1739904822.120 5 -> S: PING synchronize138.388345859 1739904822.120 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.118Z :testnick!~a@ PRIVMSG observer :this is a direct message 1739904822.120 S -> 5: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.119Z :observer!~username@ PRIVMSG #chan :hey again 1739904822.120 S -> 5: :testnick!~a@ QUIT :Quit: five out 1739904822.120 S -> 5: ERROR :Quit: five out 1739904822.120 3 -> S: QUIT :three out 1739904822.121 3 -> S: PING synchronize138.388554808 1739904822.121 S -> 3: :testnick!~a@ QUIT :Quit: three out 1739904822.121 S -> 3: ERROR :Quit: three out 1739904822.121 1 -> S: PING synchronize138.388772765 1739904822.121 S -> 1: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.120Z;account=testuser;msgid=e4w2z5dk4sy9ic885thudw7qqi :testnick!~a@ QUIT :Quit: three out 1739904822.121 S -> 1: @time=2025-02-18T18:53:42.120Z :My.Little.Server PONG My.Little.Server synchronize138.388772765 1739904822.125 1: disconnects from server. 1739904822.125 2: disconnects from server. 1739904822.125 3: disconnects from server. 1739904822.125 4: disconnects from server. 1739904822.125 5: disconnects from server.